S'subscribe to Niouze l'Ether by Hayssam HoballahFind my censorship-protected videos on CrowdBunkerJoin me on Telegram

October 15 to 22, 2023, Akchour

1 week de Santé Naturelle to develop

  • Our autonomy.

  • Our competence.

  • Our faith.

This stay is both a regenerative retreat and  training in our own autonomy in Health, all in an absolutely magical setting:
The Akchour Hermitage.
Fasting and Mobility Retreat Akchour October 2023

Natural health can be learned.
And it's Simple

 Just like the Life.

But you need to know where to start....

And it's far from easy when you have years and years of habits that have nothing to do with Our Nature.

I can coach you face-to-face for an entire week groups of up to 8 people so that we can grow rapidly in

  • Autonomy

  • Competence

  • Faith

in Natural Health!

& Benevole au Service du Vivant.
Sign up

I'll show you in detail the spirit of this stay in this video
recorded on Sunday, September 24

(simply enter your contact details for immediate access)

You'll discover:

◾️ The 5 pillars of Natural Health;
◾️ The root cause of disease;
◾️ The vital importance of individual training in Natural Health;
◾️ How to learn from our bodies to make our own health choices;
◾️ Fasting and movement as tools for health;
◾️ L'Ermitage and its setting for Natural Health;
◾️ The approach of the stay, which has the particularity of being both a retreat and a training course in Natural Health;
◾️ Questions/Answers


Everything you need to know...

(or almost)

can be found in the visuals below.

If you have any unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to ask me

  • 2 - Presentation Natural Health Stay - October 2023 @ L'Ermitage d'Akchour
  • 6 - Presentation Natural Health Stay Coach - October 2023 @ L'Ermitage d'Akchour
  • 3 - Natural Health Stay Program - October 2023 @ L'Ermitage d'Akchour

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